Author  DRBU Staff

Thirty-five people attended the first meditation class at the Sudhana Center on Sunday, January 31st.  Bhikshuni Heng Chih, Professor Emerita at Dharma Realm Buddhist University, led the two-hour session which was open to everyone in the Ukiah community.

The atmosphere was welcoming and relaxed. Bhikshuni Heng Chih focused on how people could approach meditation, both in personal and group settings. Many of the participants had never tried meditation before, or had only limited experience.

“With humor and insight, Dharma Master Heng Chih created a wonderful space for people of any background to make use of this brand new resource,” said participant Tony Fairbank, MA ’16.

Kenneth Canata, BA ‘09, said Bhikshuni Heng Chih led the group “in silent meditation in such an inviting way that the two hours went by with ease.”