Experience Shared Inquiry on Chinese Philosophy in our Online Event
What To expect?
Join an online reading group with Dharma Realm Buddhist Univeristy faculty. Using the DRBU discussion method of shared inquiry, we will approach a text from DRBU’s curriculum which spans Asian and Western philosophy and literature.
What is shared inquiry?
At DRBU, the classroom is not a place for the professor to lecture truths. It’s a supported and grounded space for students to explore, wonder, and develop a refined sense of knowing things for and through themselves.
We don’t ask students to merely interpret the text and share their thoughts. Instead the reading and discussing are a process for transformation—a method of examining our opinions, ideas, identities, and then to change.
Come get a taste of it!
Each reading group will be limited in size to allow for deep discussion, and led by a DRBU faculty member. Participants will be emailed a copy of the reading one week in advance of the reading group time. Come having read ahead of time and ready to discuss!