Career Services
Career Services will be provided to any student interested in exploring employment opportunities while attending Dharma Realm Buddhist University, or when graduating. Students will undergo a thorough assessment to ascertain their aptitudes, their interests and their personality types to determine what kinds of careers they are most suited for. Pre-Employment Skills Training will be offered either in a group workshop format or on a one-on-one basis, and will include:
• Job Search Skills: in-person, by newspaper, on-line, cold calling, job developing
• Developing a portfolio
• Filling out a Job Application
• Writing a Contact Letter
• Conducting Job Interviews
• Follow-ups with Employers
Career counseling will be provided through all aspects of services to ensure student feels supported and to identify what barriers might obstruct pathways to certain jobs and how these might be circumvented. Placement advising, supervision of self-directed search, and referral to ancillary placement agencies is included.
Career counseling will also extend to support and advising for moving on to further learning. Undergraduate students who wish to enter a MA/PhD or MA students who wish to enter a PhD program will be assisted in their efforts to find their right program and school. The DRBU Counselor will assist in:
• Researching college programs
• Finding applicable scholarships
• Portfolio production
If you are interested in meeting with a career counselor, please email
We support our students through graduation and beyond.