The Arts Workshop provides the opportunity to embody the ideas and questions you explore in Seminar through your own creative process. 

Past Workshops:

Writing the Body

Hidden in our muscles, sinews, and in every living cell of our bodies, rest sensation and memory. The body is ripe with knowledge and expression that we do not know we possess. Writing the Body is a writing, moving workshop that uses theatre, meditation, and writing exercises, as tools to awaken dormant knowledge and creativity. In the workshop, we explore the imagery, metaphor, feeling, and language available to our own experiences. Students will learn to ground art in their personal experience and to use art as a discipline for their personal growth.

Sculpture as Material and Experience

Sculpture can include almost any material and manifest as an object, an environment, or even a relationship. In this course, we will use our senses as both instruments and possible subjects of our artistic research. First, we will do five projects, each based on a different bodily sense (sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell). These experiments will include everything from the sound of your own voice to candy. Then we will engage in independent sculpture projects–supporting and learning from each other and our unique perspectives. Art, made out of this first-person experience can help us become more grounded in the present and to see that at times our reality is actually stranger and more beautiful than any fiction we could try to invent.