The University offers an integrated curriculum that weaves together ten distinct strands: Buddhist Classics, Western Classics, Indian Classics, Chinese Classics, Language, Mathematics, Natural Science, Rhetoric and Writing, Embodied Learning, and Capstone. Together these strands offer a rich and complex tapestry of the history of human thought. 

  • Buddhist Classics

    Study Buddhism not merely as a historical event, but as a living philosophy and embodied discipline.

  • Western Classics

    Understand the roots and implications of Western philosophy through a personal encounter with the seminal thinkers of the West.

  • Chinese Classics

    Investigate the central philosophical, literary, and aesthetic works of one of the world’s oldest civilizations. 

  • Indian Classics

    Consider issues fundamental to Indian systems of thought while grappling with the perennial riddles of existence.

  • Language Tutorial

    Engage in an in-depth study of Sanskrit and Classical Chinese while developing the skills to examine source texts in their original languages.

  • Mathematics

    Gain college-level mathematical skills while reflecting on the philosophical foundations of math as a discipline of knowledge.

  • Natural Science

    Investigate how scientific principles were first developed and continue to evolve over time.

  • Rhetoric and Writing

    Learn to express your thoughts clearly and critically while developing a personal writing practice.

  • Embodied Learning

    Cultivate a sensitivity for direct knowledge through engagement with the aesthetic, kinesthetic, and applied dimensions of liberal arts.

  • Capstone

    Pull together the knowledge, skills, and interests you’ve acquired from across DRBU’s curriculum into a culminating learning experience.