The senior Capstone seminars offer an opportunity to integrate the knowledge, skills, and interests students have developed throughout their education at DRBU into a culminating learning experience. These seminars serve as a bridge to life beyond the classroom, helping students connect their personal inner transformation with the broader global community. Capstone explores how the themes of classical texts might address real-world challenges and  wrestle with the difficult ethical issues of living with purpose and responsibility in an increasingly complex world. In short, the course aims to prepare students to be compassionate, caring, socially conscious, and globally engaged citizens of the world.

Depending on student interests and with faculty guidance, the seminar might integrate their broad liberal arts learning by focusing on a theme across multiple strands, or embark on in-depth exploration on a single work, thread, or subject. The Capstone may also highlight a particular author by taking the time to more closely read and analyze one or two notable works. Alternatively, it may pursue a single compelling issue or idea and examine it through multiple and even divergent perspectives. For some students, the readings in the Capstone Seminar may stimulate or complement the design and direction of their major solo work: the senior essay.