DRBU’s Seventh Annual Student Symposium
Ukiah, CA 95482
Join us for a showcase of student paper presentations and recitations on texts from DRBU’s curriculum. The entire DRBU community comes together for this lively day-long event, promoting student scholarship, public speaking, and cross-cohort shared inquiry.
Guests may attend in person at DRBU SW Upstairs Lounge or online by registering for the zoom link.
(All times are USA PDT; note that individual paper start times are approximate)
MC: James Nguyen (MA ‘22)
8:30-8:40: Opening Remarks: President Susan Rounds
8:40-9:30 Session 1: Living a Meaningful Life
8:40-8:45 Recitation: Sanskrit 2 (Anthony Santana; Edwina Wang; Nikolaos Bellington; Saipriya Vallabi; Sean Kerr; Smitha Lahiri; Victoria Sheung) “Medley of Mantras”
8:45-9:00 Dillon Balmaceda, “A Courageous Life”
9:00-9:15 Anis Ansari, “Walk: A Real Life Game”
9:15-9:30 Nancy Cao, “Why are Humans Unhappy?”
9:30-9:40 Coffee/Tea Break (10 min)
9:40-10:55 Session 2: Cultivating the Heart/Mind
9:40-9:45 Recitation: Qiulian He, “Song of the Three Jewels”
9:45-10:00 Bach Nguyen, “Freedom from Thoughts”
10:00-10:15 Edwina Yafang Wang, “Search Out Bodhi Only in the Mind”
10:15-10:30 Wenbo Yin, “To Breathe or to Hear”
10:30-10:45 Kittisaro Weinberg, “Contemplation of Sameness”
Lunch & Dessert
MC: Sanju Baral (MA ‘23)
1:10- 2:25 Session 3: Shifting Perspectives
1:10-1:15 Recitation: Ajahn Kovilo, Kittisaro Weinberg, “The Main Theravāda Mantra”
1:15-1:30 Ben Sandel, “Fractals as a Tool for Contemplating the Ten Esoteric Doors”
1:30-1:45 Sehen Gamhewa, “Technology as Transformed Reality”
1:45-2:00 Abigail Anderson, “Who Am I? Descartes and Kant on the Ideal and the Subject”
2:05-2:20 Monica Wei, “Discriminate in Non-discrimination”
2:20-2:25 Skit: Tomas Fletcher, Irina Passar, Roxanne Chu, Rita Yee, “The Butterfly Dream from the Zhuangzi” 莊周夢蝶
Break 2:25-2:35 (10 min)
2:35-3:30 Session 4: “Where Intention Goes, Energy Flows!”
2:35-2:40 Recitation: Ven. Viccissara, Caden Hill, Thanh Chu, Anis Ansari, Nancy Cao, Patrick Chin, “Quiet Night Thought (靜夜思) by Tang Dynasty Poet Li Bai (李白)”
2:40-2:55 Victoria Sheung, “Human Dao”
2:55-3:10 Bishnu Bhatta, “Bodhisattvas Vows: Awareness and Vigilance of Each Moment”
3:10-3:25 Anthony Santana “Righteousness and Resolution”
3:25-3:30 Recitation: Nikolaos Bellington, “Ox Mountain by Mencius”
3:30-3:45 Tea & Snack Break (15 min)
3:45- 4:40 Session 5: Transformative Journeys
3:45-3:50 Recitation: Bach Nguyen, Abigail Anderson, Irina Passar, Tomas Fletcher, “Knowing The Happiness of Fish” 知魚之樂
3:50-4:05 Peter Tran, “Do I Sweat Because of Temperature?”
4:05-4:20 Caden Hill, “Resentment Melting”
4:20-4:35 Ajahn Kovilo, “Reading and Study Retrospective”
4:35-4:40 Recitation: Yidan Wang, Victoria Sheung, “Farewell” 送别