Author  Professor Lauren Bausch
A selection of the donated books with (from the left) President Susan Rounds, Librarian Jin Deng Shi, Professor Lauren Bausch, and MA student Aly Tikka

As a token of friendship, Professor Mahesh Deokar, Head of the Department of Pāli and Buddhist Studies at Savitribai Phule Pune University, donated to the Library of Dharma Realm Buddhist University thirteen books published by their department. The books include seven fascicules of the Dictionary of Buddhist Terms by Professors Mahesh and Lata Deokar with a team of lexicographers. The dictionary compares Buddhist terminology across Pāli, Sanskrit, Tibetan, and now Chinese doctrinal languages into English medium and facilitates the important work of translating all Buddhist teachings into various modern languages, making it easier for people throughout the world to learn the Awakened One’s liberating teachings and practices. The books also include Haribhaṭṭa’s Jātakamālā (2019), a Sanskrit translation of Don Quixote with audio cd (2019), and various edited volumes. DRBU is grateful to receive this generous gift from our friends in India. May students and faculty benefit from these volumes and DRBU’s friendship with the Department of Pāli and Buddhist Studies at Savitribai Phule Pune University for years to come!