Author  DRBU Staff

We’re excited to introduce a new course strand this year: Embodied Learning. Students can now explore the aesthetic, kinesthetic, and hands-on aspects of the liberal arts through electives like yoga, music, visual art, culinary art, taichi, and more. Scroll down to check out some fun moments from our new class.

About Embodied Learning

DRBU’s undergraduate program aims to develop the inherent capacity of the whole person and to nurture lifelong skills necessary for living a wholesome, fulfilling life. Complementing the other nine strands, our Embodied Learning strand focuses on cultivating a sensitivity for direct knowledge through engagement with a wide range of modalities of human expression and experience. This strand invites students to explore the aesthetic, kinesthetic, and applied dimensions of the liberal arts and to nurture a sensibility for the fresh perspectives, meanings, and insights these domains can enliven.

An embodied learning approach combines classroom learning with embodied experiences, aiming for an integrated mind-body, cognitive-emotional training. The reading of classical texts in seminar courses is enhanced by exercises that activate innate capacities for an expanded way of ‘seeing’ and ‘hearing.’ These activities encourage students to become more aware, attentive, and attuned to things as they are and as they might be in three primary modes of existence: the personal, the social, and in relation with the natural world. This approach specifically defines the education of the whole person, incorporating hands-on, heads-on, and hearts-on learning.