Bhikshu Jin Chuan
Bhikshu Jin Chuan is an Asian-American Buddhist monk who grew up in the Silicon Valley of California. After graduating with a B.S. with Distinction in Physics (2004) and an M.A. in Religious Studies (2005), both from Stanford University, he went to live at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB) as a lay volunteer. After five years, he decided to begin the monastic training program at CTTB, and later received novice ordination in 2010 and full ordination in 2013. In 2016, he received an M.A. in Buddhist Classics at Dharma Realm Buddhist University in Ukiah, where he currently serves as an assistant professor, chaplain, and board member. He is also involved in various translation projects led by Rev. Heng Sure. He is based in Berkeley Buddhist Monastery.
B.A., 2004, M.A., 2015, Stanford University
M.A., Dharma Realm Buddhist University, 2016
Assistant Professor, Dharma Realm Buddhist University, 2021–
Chaplin, Dharma Realm Buddhist University, 2013–
Instructor, Dharma Realm Buddhist University, 2016–2021
Instructor, Sangha & Laity Training Programs, 2014 – 2021
Member, DRBU Extension Programs, 2013-2021
Assistant to Dean of Finance & Administration, Dharma Realm Buddhist University, 2009 – 2010
Student Services, Dharma Realm Buddhist University, 2005 – 2010
Volunteer Coordinator, City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, 2005 – 2010
Volunteer, Spiritual Care, Stanford Medical Hospital, 2003-2005
Presenter, “Contemplative Exercises Immersion in Mindful and Skillful Communication,” The Association for Core Texts and Courses 25th Annual Conference, Santa Fe, April 11-14, 2019
Presenter, “Un-Creating the World using Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s Practice,” Shurangama Summer Retreat, Ukiah, June 28, 2018
Presenter, “Food in Chinese Buddhism: Eating as a Contemplative Practice,” Chinese Food Culture Conference, UC Davis, January 2016
Panelist, “Applied Buddhism in the Modern World: A Discussion on Ancient Buddhist Practices for a New Generation,” Parliament of World Religions, Salt Lake City, October 2015
English, Mandarin Chinese, Sanskrit & Pali (rudimentary reading)