Meghan Sweet is Director of University Relations at Dharma Realm Buddhist University. She has taught in DRBU’s liberal arts program since 2018 where one of the long-term projects is to advance rhetorical invention between the strands of thought taught in the programs — Western, Chinese, Buddhist, and Indian. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Rhetoric at Clemson University. Her research interests include self-experience, phenomenology, and contemplative pedagogy.


Ph.D. Candidate, Clemson University, 2025
M.A., Dharma Realm Buddhist University, 2017
B.A., George Washington University, 2009


Director of University Relations, Dharma Realm Buddhist University, 2017-
Project Director, Energy Future Project, 2013-2015;
Technical Manager & Senior Developer, Chapter Three, 2012-2013;


“Ancient Cyborgs,” The Association of Core Texts and Courses Conference: Memphis, TN, 2024.

“Teaching Writing as Self-Reflective Inquiry,” The Association of Core Texts and Courses Conference: Santa Fe, NM, 2019.

“Writing as self-reflective inquiry,” Hsüan Hua Memorial Symposium: Ukiah, CA, 2019.

Technical Presentations & Workshops

Trainer & Presenter, DrupalCon Portland Conference, 2013;
Trainer & Presenter, Bay Area Drupal Conference, 2012;
Presenter, Stanford Drupal Conference, 2012;
Presenter, San Diego Drupal Conference, 2012;
Presenter, Los Angeles Drupal Conference, 2012.

Additional Education

Comprehensive Training in Mindful Somatic Psychology, Hakomi California, 2017-2018;
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Social Change, University for Peace, 2013;
Field research on medicinal plants and culture in Tulear, Madagascar, School for International Training, 2008.